Friday, December 19, 2014


Catch up Updates:

-Titus's incision has healed up nicely, in fact we were off antibiotics in 7 days!
-We also were given the okay to stop giving him the Lasix since he doesn't need it anymore!
-We are now down to a daily aspirin and probiotics, yippee!
-Our home nurse is only checking in weekly now, one less appointment I have to remember!

In other news, we unfortunately got our first taste of how serious it can be for a heart baby to be sick. Evan and I caught a virus and even though we were careful, Ty ended up getting it too. His oxygen levels dropped down to 74/75 at night while congested and his eating slowed to one very weak feed per night....however this thankfully did not affect his weight gain and after a couple days of elderberry syrup and applying and diffusing some essential oils, we were all on the mend and Ty's oxygen levels jumped back into the 80's. I am so thankful to have access to natural options to use on our family!

I had a dear friend visit the other day and she brought something to my attention that I had not acknowledged. Even though God dealt us this challenge, He is also still providing for us and continues to show us His love everyday. He has provided Titus with exceptional weight gain, which not only made his recovery easier but also continues to make things easier at home as well. I would love to take all the credit for this super duper breast milk, but its more than just me and my will. As pro breast feeding as I am, I know that it takes more than just will to develop and maintain a breastfeeding relationship with a child. More pieces had to fall into place for this to work, and even more pieces for it to continue. And boy is he a pro...We discovered last week that he gained almost a full pound in just 7 days! He is now tipping the scales at over 14 lbs and is solidly wearing 6 month clothes. Okay Titus, you can slow down a bit now....

He loves being close to mum!

Brotherly love!

Such a ham!

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