Friday, December 5, 2014

Who am I to judge?

I attended a MOMs group at our church recently and the topic discussed was our role as teachers to our children. We discussed what made a good teacher good, and a bad teacher bad. How Jesus was a great teacher and what he used to teach. We also covered intentional teaching--those moments we recognize an opportunity to teach our children a lesson, as well as unintentional teaching--when they overhear or see how we act or what we do on a daily basis. They learn just as much if not more by watching those around them, and because children spend most of their time with their parents, by default we become our children's most influential teachers.

Then a friend posted this on facebook the other day and it really touched my heart and got me thinking...

"On the way to a friends house this morning I was passing by Walmart. Standing at the entrance was a man with a ripped up coat. It was wet and snowing out. I had to pull over for a second. For me, it was one of those God moments you can feel..... you get emotional, your heart is beating hard, and you know you are supposed to do something. After I went through the ATM, I parked and cried and prayed. When I looked up I watched MANY people drive up past him and stop (he was standing at a stop sign) before continuing on in their warm cars. 
How can you do that? How can someone drive right past him and STOP and completely ignore, looking away from him like he didn't even he wasn't a human being with a beating heart like us. They made a point to pull forward past the stop sign so I guess they couldn't see him. I guess if you can't "see" him he wasn't really there.
I get so frustrated by those who say "Well, what if he is faking it?" I just can't dwell on that. What if he isn't faking? What if he lost his job? My family has been very blessed with a home, income, vehicles, food, and (for the most part) health. Myself, my husband, or my children don't go without.
Anyway, I step out of my van to hand him some money and his hands were so cold. He was wet and he looked so tired. I just wanted to hug him and take him in my van but I know that wouldn't be safe for my kids. He just looked at me and said thanks. I don't think I will ever forget his eyes and how tired they looked. If you are the praying type, please say a little prayer for this man."

I am ashamed to admit it but I have been that person...that "what if he is faking it?", "he looks like he is doing okay", "he will probably just spend it on booze" person. In fact, it was just the other day when my husband and I were riding in the car and saw a man on the off ramp with a sign. We both were prompted to give, and had just had a conversation on how we should give more....but then those thoughts crept in as we reached in our pockets...what if? Does he really NEED it? the time my husband convinced me we should just give him some money, it was too late--we didn't want to hold up traffic so we just drove by. And so did everyone behind us. Wow. Who am I to judge? Did Jesus judge? Is this the example and mindset God would have for us? Is this the example we want to show our children? Absolutely not, and I don't believe anyone reading this post would choose any different either. 

Really does it matter his circumstance or his next action? Should I be judging that? No. We will all answer to our decisions one day in front of the Almighty, me included...even to my decisions to pass by someone standing on the roadside declaring their needs. And honestly I feel much better giving with a whole heart, than I would wondering if he really needed it or not. Jesus didn't judge. He gave, and gave abundantly. Even when there was little to give. We gave to the next man we saw further down the road but my conscience was still not clear.

Proverbs 28:27

He who gives to the poor will never want, but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses.

We have been blessed with so much more than we could ever ask for...things that can be bought like our house, cars, food, and clothes on our back...and things that cannot be bought, like my husbands job, our health, our children, our faith....we continue to be blessed with each day that passes and it is up to us to continue that ripple effect by blessing others.

To teach our children unconditional love, we decided to assemble care bags for those we encounter this season. We are including things like toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, soap, a bottle of water, snacks, shampoo, Qtips, and chapstick in a ziploc bag and keeping them in our car. We will also add a bag with a few pairs of gloves, socks, and hats to pass out when the opportunity presents itself. Socks are the most requested item by those who are homeless. I would like to eventually include pocket bibles. Not all items have to be brand new, maybe you have a pair of fuzzy socks you don't find yourself wearing anymore...maybe you have a new pair of gloves and no longer need your old ones...also if you watch for sales throughout the year and coupon for the items you can get most for nearly free! Can you imagine the difference you can make in someones day just by handing them a simple bag of the items and luxuries we take for granted daily? 

If you have the means this year, put together your own bag to give while you are traveling to your family's Christmas dinner. I bet you see more than one person that could use the extra gift. 

Give and give abundantly this season. It doesn't matter how much, just give what you can and give with your whole heart. Our world and our children need to see this more than ever!

James 2:15-16

If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?

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