Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Surgery Update 2

Titus's Glenn procedure went great! They did not need to put him on bypass, as Dr Manning had suspected would be the case, he was able to complete the entire procedure without it! And he was extubated in the OR, Praise the Lord!!! He is understandably grumpy, waking up and moaning a's heart wrenching but they say it is more from the anesthesia wearing off than anything pain associated at this point. The biggest hurdle is pain management right now. They have to find that perfect balance of pain medicine; they want him to remain sleepy enough to be calm and not pull lines, but awake enough to eat. This was one of the hardest parts of the recovery last time and is looking to be a battle this time too. One of the temporary side effects of the Glenn is that he will have major headaches until his body adjusts to the new pressures, thus the need to stay on top of his pain management. But I think he looks and is overall doing fantastic given his circumstances...Thank you all for the prayers! 

Titus 's lines:
1. Heparin--blood thinner until aspirin can be given on Thursday
2. Dexmedetomidine drip--anesthesia
3. Foley Catheter--to measure urine output
4. Heart rate leads
5. Respiratory rate leads
6. Chest tubes--to allow draining of any fluid around the heart
7. 2 IV lines-- for meds/blood/fluids
8. Peripheral line--Another safe access point for meds/blood/fluids
9. Nasal Cannula--carries extra oxygen until he is fully awake

The goal is to have only Heparin, heart rate leads, respiratory rate leads, and IV lines in tomorrow AND move out of CICU and down to a step down unit. PRAYERS and PRAISE! 


  1. Praise the Lord for such a good report! Praying for all those difficulties--God be with you all!

    1. Thank you Rachel and Mason! Being back here definitely makes us think about you all and sweet little Jackson. We pray all is well with your family. God bless and thank you for the prayers!

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