Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday 3/26

Today was a new day...Titus woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4am! He even let out a few smiles despite still refusing to take the bottle. He can be a stubborn little guy!

Around 8:30am they removed his chest tubes and RA leads that were placed in his heart. This required 2 doses of morphine for pain relief, so he unfortunately went back to a less energetic state pretty quickly but this paved the way for him to be held and nursed. Yay! They quickly removed his IV from his arm as well, leaving just the one IV in his foot (he kicked the other one out last night) just in case they need to administer any meds or fluids later. Now that he has only heart rate and resp rate leads on and is off all meds, they wrote the orders for us to move to the step down unit as soon as the chest xray checks out. Whoohoo!

Titus quickly took to nursing and all looked to be going smoothly, until he spit up...pretty much everything he ate. This happened right after he received his daily dose of lasix (an oral diuretic he will go home on) so we figured maybe he just didn't like the lasix flavor much. It is very uncharacteristic for him as he never has had reflux or any spit up issues. But then he ate again later, and puked a good amount of that up too. No bueno.

His team stopped in and checked his belly out. They think that all the pain medicines he has been on the last two days essentially led to an Ileus, or extreme slow down of his intestinal track. Each feed was contributing to more distension and stomach pain. So for now, even though from a clinical stand point we do not need to be in the CICU they are going to keep us overnight and move us to step down in the morning sometime. Unfortunately since Ty isn't allowed to eat any longer he has to be put back on fluids. And of course Titus kicked his last good IV out and so they had to place a new one...he is such a booger.

Prayers that Titus just needs a bit more time and it is not a larger underlying issue...he is resting a lot today so hopefully that helps and he wakes up ready to go!

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