Thursday, October 9, 2014

1st days

Sunday Evening 10/5:

Titus managed to get placed in his own NICU room instead of the community room. I was hoping for this as it is more quiet and private! We got settled and managed to nap for an hour or so. Big day tomorrow!

Monday 10/6:

Tests, tests, and more tests.....Titus received the works on his first day of life...

1. X-Ray: One of the chest, as well as for placement lines in his umbilical cord. All good here.

2. ECHO: Now that he is here, it is much easier to see the anatomy of his heart in better detail. We actually had a bit of a scare on this as the Cardiologist on staff that day was confused and had accidentally looked at an older ECHO/notes when he chatted with us. Thankfully, within several hours they were able to clarify the situation and Titus's diagnosis remains the same; Double Outlet Right Ventricle, Remote Ventricular Septal Defect, Dextro-Transposed Great Arteries, Pulmonary Atresia, a right aortic arch and bilateral SVC.

3. EKG: To measure the electrical activity of his heart. All good here.

4. Ultrasound of abdomen and head: Just to make sure of no other surprises....

5. CT Scan: This was ordered after the ECHO was completed. It was requested in order for the surgeons to get a more detailed look at the anatomy of his pulmonary branches leading to the lungs. His PDA was too wiggly and convoluted to see behind on the ECHO and they don't want any surprise connections or disconnections to show up during his surgery...

It was a tiring and emotional day. However I was able to snuggle him for several hours and got to breastfeed a couple times which he was definitely interested in trying and actually became quite vigorous in doing!

Hardest things today:

-Seeing our seemingly normal and healthy son hooked up to lines just in case something goes wrong.
-Having to ask to hold him....again due to all the lines he is hooked up to.
-All the poking and prodding from several nurses and doctors. He just wants to sleep and eat!
-Getting accustomed to hospital time and procedures....

There were lots of tears and lots of prayers...

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