Titus Emmanuel Presti was born on 10/5/2014 at 9:40pm. He weighed in at 9 lbs 10 oz and is 20.5 in long! We could not be happier with that and we hope he continues to beat the odds!
Labor: Started at 4:30 Sunday evening and progressed quickly. We left shortly after our doula arrived and she accompanied us to the hospital around 7:00. I probably looked silly but to stay focused, I wore sunglasses to block out the bright lighting and my headphones which played my hypnobabies tracks that got me through my first delivery with Evan. I was clearly in active labor during admission (which was our goal) so we managed to skip around all the questions and pretty well go straight to L&D. Through Gods hands, the birth went as well as could be expected. Our plans were followed and we managed to have a completely natural and intervention free delivery...I didn't have so much as even an IV. Exactly what we were hoping for to give Titus the best start possible!
Birth: He was delivered and immediately assessed for a minute. Then we got about 5 minutes of skin to skin before they did another assessment and placed his prostaglandin and glucose lines. We then got about 8 more minutes of snuggles before Jake accompanied him to the NICU.
I showered and my vitals were checked 4 times. All was well and I was discharged roughly 2.5 hours later to join them. Hallelujah!
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